3D Archery Shoot Benefits Blessings Frederick

The Catoctin Fish and Game Protective Association’s (CFGPA) club is dedicated to environmental and wildlife conservation and the continuing education of fishing and hunting. They are a small diverse group of people interested in all types of outdoor activities. They are also passionate about supporting their community and through this annual event have chosen to help the Blessings in a Backpack Frederick Chapter feed children on the weekends who might otherwise go hungry.
Sponsor a target on the range
o For $30 CFGPA will put a sign on the target station with your information on it, your logo or business name on a banner displayed the day of the shoot, and for all remaining 2021 CFGPA archery shoots. CFGPA will also post to thank you on their Facebook page and display your marketing material on the donor table the day of the shoot.
Donate an item(s)
o To be used as raffle, silent auction, or door prize for archery shooters. CFGPA will put your logo or business name on the scorecard and on a banner to be displayed the day of the shoot as well as rest of the 2021 CFGPA shoot outs events. CFGPA will also post to thank you on their Facebook page and display your marketing material on the donor table the day of the shoot.
Attend the event
Registration takes place on June 26, from 8–11 a.m. at 10219 Clark Rd. Myersville, MD 21773